Printed/printable versions of the schedule
PDF version
We maintain a database of talks scheduled for ICALP 2007, LICS 2007,
LC 2007, PPDP 2007 and Satellite Workshops.
The HTML version of the schedule is generated
from our database, and thus should be considered as up-to-date,
authoritative source of information.
Unfortunately the tables of the schedule are so complicated, that — to
our knowledge — none of the current HTML browsers is able to print them
correctly. Thus we provided
of the schedule (A4, 28 pages). This plain, black and white PDF document is
typeset in landscape mode, so please tick “Auto rotate and center” option
in your PDF browser window before sending the file to your printer.
We are trying to keep the HTML and PDF versions synchronized, but since we
failed to generate the PDF version fully automatically, there is
some risk of mistakes in it.
Changes to the schedule after July 1, 2007
- Added chairs of ICALP sessions C1–C4 (Jul 3, 14:52 CET).
- Removed a chair of ICALP session A14 (Jul 3, 14:52 CET).
- Fixed a bug in PDF version: PAuL Mon 9 session starting at 10:00
ends at 11:00 rather than 10:30 (Jul 4, 21:48 CET).
- Fixed a bug in PDF version: TRSH Sat 14 session starting at 17:00
ends at 18:30 rather than 17:30 (Jul 4, 21:48 CET).
- Fixed a bug in the name of FCS-ARSPA workshop (was FCS/ARSPA)
(Jul 4, 22:07 CET)
- Added the name of an ICALP/LICS joint session chair on Fri, Jul 13, 9:00–10:00
(Jul 5, 16:36 CET)
- Added the name of ICALP A14 session chair (Jul 8, 1:21 CET)
- Changed a chair of ICALP joint session on Thursday, July 12th, 9:00–10:00 am (Jul 8, 1:21 CET)
- Changed the title of the time slot on Monday, July 16,
starting at 12:30 and ending at 14:00 from "lunch" to
"time for lunch" (Jul 8, 1:37 CET)
- Cancelled LICS short presentation talk on Friday, July 13 at 16:40
(Jul 9, 18:50 CET)
- Moved LICS short presentation talk from Tuesday, July 10, 12:50
to Friday, July 13, 16:40
(Jul 9, 18:50 CET)
- Added PPDP ship excursion on Sunday, July 15, 18:30–23:00
(Jul 9, 18:50 CET)
- Changed room of LC registration on Saturday, July 14, 8:00–9:00
from GW to 109
(Jul 9, 18:50 CET)
- Added chairs of joint ICALP sessions on Tuesday, July 10, 9:00 and
Wednesday, July 11, 9:00 (Jul 10, 9:25)
- Added a chair of ICALP/LICS joint session on Friday, July 13, 14:00–15:00 (Jul 10, 13:11 CET)
- Changed the speaker of the DCM invited talk on Sunday, 15, 14:00–15:00 (Jul 11, 11:21 CET)
- Changed the name of ICALP B6 session chair (Jul 11, 12:55 CET)
- Fixed the place of ICALP/LICS joint session on Friday at 9 am to GW (Jul 12, 12:59 CET)
- Fixed the place of ICALP/LICS joint session on Friday at 2 pm to GW (Jul 13, 11:22 CET)
- LCC talks on Sunday, 15, at 12:00 and 17:30 have been cancelled (Jul 13, 17:49 CET)
- Horacio Arlò Costa's talk on Sunday, July 15 at 14:45 has been cancelled (Jul 13, 17:49 CET)
- Jacek Waldmajer's talk on Monday, July 16 at 18:40 has been cancelled (Jul 13, 17:49 CET)
- Erica Calardo's talk on Monday, July 16 at 18:00 has been cancelled (Jul 13, 17:49 CET)
- Achim Blumensath' talk scheduled on Saturday, July 14 at 17:00 has been moved to
Wednesday, July 18 at 17:00. All other talks in this session have been shifted by 20 minutes (Jul 13, 17:49 CET)
- Tomasz Skura's talk scheduled on Monday, July 16 at 16:20 has been
moved to Saturday, July 14 at 17:00 (Jul 13, 17:49 CET)
- LICS/LC joint invited lectures on Saturday, July 14, have been moved to GW (Jul 14, 9:32 CET)
- LCC has been moved to SW/room 141 (Jul 15, 9:53 CET)
Printed booklet
We printed
with the schedule to be handed in to all conference
participants. Since it had to be printed in advance, some changes made to the
schedule just before and during the conferences were not/will not be
applied to it. Also
there is some risk of mistakes introduced in the process of typesetting and
printing. Here is a list of all known differences between the up-to-date HTML version of the schedule and the booklet.
- Names of ICALP session chairs are missing.
- TRSH Sat 14 session starting at 17:00 should last till 18:30 rather than
17:30, as in the booklet.
- FCS-ARSPA should be written with a dash instead of slash,
as on some pages in the booklet.
- There is no lunch provided on Monday, July 16. The title of the time
slot starting at 12:30 and ending at 14:00 should be "time for lunch"
instead of "lunch".
- LICS short presentation on Friday, July 13 at 16:40 has been cancelled
- LICS short presentation on Tuesday, July 10, 12:50 has been moved
to Friday, July 13, 16:40
- PPDP ship excursion on Sunday, July 15, 18:30–23:00 has been added
- Room of LC registration on Saturday, July 14, 8:00–9:00 has been changed
from GW to 109
- The speaker of the DCM invited talk on Sunday, 15, 14:00–15:00 has been changed.
- LCC talks on Sunday, 15, at 12:00 and 17:30 have been cancelled.
- Horacio Arlò Costa's talk on Sunday, July 15 at 14:45 has been cancelled.
- Jacek Waldmajer's talk on Monday, July 16 at 18:40 has been cancelled.
- Erica Calardo's talk on Monday, July 16 at 18:00 has been cancelled.
- Achim Blumensath' talk scheduled on Saturday, July 14 at 17:00 has been moved to
Wednesday, July 18 at 17:00. All other talks in this session have been shifted by 20 minutes.
- Tomasz Skura's talk scheduled on Monday, July 16 at 16:20 has been
moved to Saturday, July 14 at 17:00.
- LICS/LC joint invited lectures on Saturday, July 14, have been moved to GW.
- LCC has been moved to SW/room 141.