Workshops will take place on July, 8–9 (pre-conference) and on
July, 14–15 (post-conference), 2007.
Call for ICALP workshops and
call for LICS workshops are closed.
List of workshops (in chronological order)
- July, 8: Workshop on Cryptography for Ad-hoc
Networks (WCAN), ICALP
- July, 8: Foundations of Computer
Security and Automated Reasoning for Security Protocol
- July, 9: Group-Oriented Cryptographic Protocols
- July, 9: Structural Operational Semantics (SOS),
- July, 9: Probabilistic Automata and Probabilistic
Logics (PAuL), LICS
- July, 14–15: Theory of Randomized Search
Heuristics (TRSH), ICALP
- July, 15: Development of Computational Models
- July, 15: Logic and Computational Complexity
- July, 15: Traced Monoidal Categories, Network
Algebras, and Applications (TMCNAA), LICS
Alphabetical list of workshops
- DCM 2007:
3rd International Workshop on Development of Computational Models
- Contact: Vincent Danos, Mariangiola Dezani
New models of computation are elaborated to follow up new usage of
computer systems, new capabilities of computation engines, and
altogether new computing media. To mention some: quantum computation,
including eg implementations and formal methods in quantum protocols;
probabilistic computation and verification in modelling situations;
chemical, biological and bio-inspired computation, including
concurrent models developed in the description of intra- and extra-
cellular signalling, and spatial models (as in development, or self-
assembly); general concurrent models including the treatment of
mobility, trust, and security. Contributions putting to test the
logical or algorithmic aspects of computing (eg, computing with
dynamical systems) would be welcome. To perceive the relevance and
timeliness of such an initiative, one has to believe, as we do, that
bringing those efforts together will result in inspirational cross-
boundary exchanges, and innovative further research.
This workshop is the third event in the series. DCM 2006 took place
in Venice, as a satellite event of ICALP 2006, and DCM 2005 took
place in Lisbon, as a satellite event of ICALP 2005.
- FCS-ARSPA 2007:
Joint Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security and Automated
Reasoning for Security Protocol Analysis
- Contact: Pierpaolo Degano, Ralf Kuesters, Luca Viganò,
Steve Zdancewic
Computer security is an established field of computer science of both
theoretical and practical significance. In recent years, there has been
increasing interest in logic-based foundations for various methods in
computer security, including the formal specification, analysis and
design of security protocols and their applications, the formal
definition of various aspects of security such as access control
mechanisms, mobile code security and denial-of-service attacks, and the
modeling of information flow and its application to confidentiality
policies, system composition, and covert channel analysis.
The workshop FCS-ARSPA'07 is the second edition of the
fusion of two workshops: FCS and ARSPA, which joined forces in 2006 for
which was affiliated to LICS'06, in the context of FLoC'06.
The workshop FCS continues a tradition, initiated
with the Workshops on Formal Methods and Security Protocols (FMSP) in
1998 and 1999, then with the Workshop on Formal Methods and Computer
Security (FMCS) in 2000, and finally with the LICS satellite Workshop on
Foundations of Computer Security (FCS) in 2002 through 2005, of bringing
together formal methods and the security community.
ARSPA is a series of workshops on Automated Reasoning
for Security Protocol Analysis, bringing together researchers and
practitioners from both the security and the formal methods communities,
from academia and industry, who are working on developing and applying
automated reasoning techniques and tools for the formal specification
and analysis of security protocols. The first two ARSPA workshops were
held as satellite events of the 2nd International Joint Conference on
Automated Reasoning (IJCAR'04) and of the 32nd International Colloquium
on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP'05), respectively.
The aim of the joint workshop FCS-ARSPA'07 is to provide a forum for
continued activity in these areas, to bring computer security
researchers in closer contact with the
and ICALP communities,
and to give
and ICALP attendees an
opportunity to talk to experts in computer security. We thus solicit
submissions of papers both on mature work and on work in progress.
We are interested both in new results in theories of computer security
and also in more exploratory presentations that examine open questions
and raise fundamental concerns about existing theories, as well as in
new results on developing and applying automated reasoning techniques
and tools for the formal specification and analysis of security
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Automated reasoning techniques
Composition issues
Formal specification
Foundations of verification
Information flow analysis
Language-based security
Logic-based design
Program transformation
Security models
Static analysis
Statistical methods
Trust management
Access control and resource usage control
Availability and denial of service
Covert channels
Integrity and privacy
Intrusion detection
Malicious code
Mobile code
Mutual distrust
Security policies
Security protocols
- GOCP 2007:
International Workshop on Group-Oriented Cryptographic Protocols
- Contact: Emmanuel Bresson, Christian Cachin, Mark Manulis,
David Pointcheval, Jörg Schwenk
- Contact address: hgichair@rub.de
Group-oriented cryptographic protocols are foundational for the security of
various group applications, like digital conferencing, groupware, group
communication systems, computer-supported collaborative work-flow systems,
multi-user information distribution and sharing, data base and server
replication systems, peer-to-peer and ad-hoc groups, group-based admission
and access management, electronic voting and election, applications in
federative and distributed environment, etc. A variety of cryptographic
techniques and assumptions provides a solid basis for the design of provably
secure group-oriented cryptographic protocols, which is an important and
challenging task. Formal security models for group-oriented cryptographic
protocols require consideration of a large number of potential threats
resulting from the attacks on the communication channel and from the
misbehavior of some protocol participants. These challenges and the
increasing development of multi-party and group-oriented applications are
just some reasons for setting up a new cryptographic workshop, solely
dedicated to the security issues of cryptographic protocols used in these
We encourage submissions concerning cryptographic foundations, formal
security models, and actual design of all kinds of group-oriented
cryptographic protocols, schemes, and applications. Another goal of the
workshop is to bring together researchers and industrial specialists to
exchange theoretical and practical results, experience, ideas, and discuss
future directions.
- LCC 2007:
9th International Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity
- Contact: James S. Royer
The synergy between Logic and Computational Complexity has gained
importance and vigor in recent years, cutting across areas such as Proof
Theory, Finite Model Theory, Computation Theory, Applicative
Programming, Database Theory, and Philosophical Logic. The workshop aims
at furthering an understanding of the fundamental relations between
computational complexity and logic. Topics of interest include:
- complexity analysis for functional languages
- complexity in database theory
- complexity in formal methods
- computational complexity in higher types
- formal methods for complexity analysis of programs
- foundations of implicit computational complexity
- logical & machine-independent characterizations of complexity
- logics closely related to complexity classes
- proof complexity
- semantic approaches to complexity
- software that applies LCC ideas
- type systems for controlling complexity
- PAuL 2007:
International Workshop on Probabilistic Automata and Logics
- Contact: Christel Baier, Marcus Groesser
There is a recent trend to study probabilistic extensions
of traditional concepts of automata-theory and logics.
The applications of such probabilistic formalisms cover the
analysis of randomized protocols, biological systems,
multi-agent systems with uncertainties, security protocols,
speech recognition, logic programming, description logics
for the semantic web and many more. The goal of this workshop
is to bring together researchers that are interested in the foundations
of probabilistic automata and probabilistic logics and their applications.
The topics of interests include
- probabilistic finite or omega-automata as language-acceptors
(composition operators, algorithms, minimization, efficiency,
learning algorithms, etc.)
- probabilistic automata and variants thereof as formal models for
systems with randomization, stochastic assumptions, or uncertainties,
(specification techniques, modelling languages, equivalences and
preorders, composition operators, verification algorithms,
- logics to reason about probabilistic phenomena such as randomized
behaviors, probabilistic knowledge, uncertainties, etc.
(algorithms and proof systems for satisfiablity, axiomatization,
model checking, expressiveness, etc.)
- stochastic games
- applications of probabilistic automata or logics
- SOS 2007:
4th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics
- Contact: Rob van Glabbeek,
Matthew Hennessy
Structural operational semantics (SOS) provides a framework for giving
operational semantics to programming and specification languages. A
growing number of programming languages from commercial and academic
spheres have been given usable semantic descriptions by means of
structural operational semantics. Because of its intuitive appeal and
flexibility, structural operational semantics has found considerable
application in the study of the semantics of concurrent processes.
Moreover, it is becoming a viable alternative to denotational
semantics in the static analysis of programs, and in proving compiler
Recently, structural operational semantics has been successfully
applied as a formal tool to establish results that hold for classes of
process description languages. This has allowed for the generalisation
of well-known results in the field of process algebra, and for the
development of a meta-theory for process calculi based on the
realization that many of the results in this field only depend upon
general semantic properties of language constructs.
This workshop aims at being a forum for researchers, students and
practitioners interested in new developments, and directions for
future investigation, in the field of structural operational
semantics. One of the specific goals of the workshop is to establish
synergies between the concurrency and programming language communities
working on the theory and practice of SOS. Moreover, it aims at
widening the knowledge of SOS among postgraduate students and young
researchers worldwide.
- TRSH 2007:
Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics
- Contact: Benjamin Doerr, Frank Neumann
Randomized search heuristics such as evolutionary algorithms or ant
colony optimization turned out to be very surprisingly successful in
different applications. However, proving that such an algorithm
satisfies certain performance guarantees seems to be a very hard
Understanding this dichotomy and gaining a theoretical understanding
of randomized search heuristics therefore is an important task. Since
randomized search heuristics are nothing more than particular randomized
algorithms, this also belongs to the area of design and analysis of
randomized algorithms.
The aim of this workshop is to stimulate discussions among people
already working on these problems and those with a general background in
randomized algorithmics as well as to point out interesting topics for
future work. This workshop not only is colocated with ICALP, but also
takes place right after GECCO, a leading conference on evolutionary
It is planned to have some tutorials by leading researchers in that
field such that people not specialized in the theory of randomized
search heuristics can follow the technical talks. Technical talks by
researchers working on various aspects of the theory of randomized
search heuristics will follow the tutorials. The duration of the
workshop will be two days to allow plenty of time for discussion and
interaction between the participants.
- TMCNAA 2007:
Workshop on Traced Monoidal Categories, Network Algebras, and
- Contact: Gheorghe Stefanescu
In the late '80s and early '90s an algebraic structure dealing with cyclic
operations emerged from various fields, including flowchart schemes,
dataflow networks with feedback, action calculi, proof theory, as well as
topology and knot theory. This structure is known as a "traced monoidal
category" , after the influential paper of Joyal, Street and Verity, who
studied such categories in pure mathematics, but with an eye to
applications in many fields. The concept also occurs as a basic structure
in network algebra. Indeed, network algebras are extensions of traced
monoidal categories with branching constants satisfying appropriate
Since then, the structure has been used, with variations, in many areas of
mathematics, logic and theoretical computer science. There are beginning
to be applications of these algebraic structures to several areas,
including biology and physics, and indeed to any field where cyclic
networks are used.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together people from various
communities who are interested in these algebraic structures, to survey
the existing work, to encourage exchange of ideas and to foster
applications to various fields. We believe the general ideas and
structures here have wide interest to many people in the LICS and ICALP
- WCAN 2007:
3rd Workshop on Cryptography for Ad-hoc Networks
- Contact: Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Refik Molva
Wireless ad hoc networks are today receiving much attention for
military, commercial and civilian applications, thus becoming a
challenging area in security research. The security research community
has mainly focused on securing routing and is only recently widening its
scope of analysis. The cryptography research community has mainly
focused on abstract models of networks like the Internet; however,
cryptographic protocols for the Internet face serious challenges to be
adapted to the ad-hoc, partial-connectivity, mobile,
resource-constrained and infrastructureless nature of ad-hoc
The aim of this workshop is to help bridging this gap, towards a
comprehensive investigation of security and cryptographic tools and
protocols, analysis and modeling methodologies applicable to ad hoc
networks, (including wireless, cellular, sensor, mesh, peer-to-peer,
RFID-based, vehicular, etc. networks) by bringing together the
cryptography, network security, and wireless networking research